well first you...........................................................
You can buy vellaccio watches in darlo at primark
Watch sport on tv:Imperative mood: Regarde le sport à la télé or Regardez le sport à la téléI watch sport on tv: je regarde le sport à la télé
You can watch it on T.V
The cheapest model of Apple Watch is the Sport. This watch sells for $349 plus applicable taxes.
It can be both. If you are playing a sport for a team. Then you are doing a sport. If you just sitting on your sofa, you are watching a sport.
The population of Primark is 36,000.
Watch the Birdie! Watch the Birdie!
There is a website for Primark but not a online shop.
"Primark" is "Penneys" in Ireland
We don't have Primark shops in Malta.
You do not fix it you just replace it.