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Q: How did the Greek appease Artemis to calm her wind in the Trojan war?
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To appease is to what?

To bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe: to appease an angry king.

What a sentence for appease?

Appease is a verb meaning to pacify, calm, soothe, placate, assuage, or quiet. Example sentence: Perhaps you can appease the customer with a discount coupon in return for her stress in this situation.

Can fury in the tub be a meaning of appease?

To make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify; to dispel (anger or hatred); as, to appease the tumult of the ocean, or of the passions; to appease hunger or thirst.

What did Artemis demand of them to calm the winds and ensure a safe voyage to Troy?

I believe you are talking about Agamemnon, a warrior in the Trojan war. One day he shot a deer in a sacred field and boasted that he was a better hunter than Artemis, the goddess of the Hunt. She was furious and commanded the winds to continue to blow Agamemnon's ships back to the shore so he could not get to Troy. An oracle told him to appease Artemis and sail to Troy, he had to sacrifice his daughter, Iphigenia. He tricked his wife, Clytemnestra, into bringing Iphigenia over by saying she was to be married to Achilles. When she came over, her father put her on the altar. Some accounts say she was killed. However, other accounts say before she could be killed, Artemis replaced her with a deer. There are then two accounts of what happened to Iphigenia then. The most popular is that she became a priestess to Artemis. The other is she was transformed into the goddess Hecate. Either way, Agamemnon got to Troy.

What is the synonym for soothe?

To soothe someone is to ease their worries or pain. Another way of saying this would be to comfort. You might also say to calm or calm down. Other terms include appease or alleviate.

What is the greek word for calm?

Galen (Ηρεμία)

What is the opposite of provoking?

The opposite (lack of provocation) could be to avoid, refrain, or avert. The opposite of provoking would be to calm, assuage, appease, please, or placate.

What does appeasingly mean?

Appease means the satisfy or calm someone. Therefore, if someone were to treat another person appeasingly they are settling them and possibly treating them with respect.

How is Artemis different from Apollo?

Artemis is of the night (moon), Apollo of the light (sun), Apollo is male, Artemis is female, Apollo has had many lovers, Artemis is a virgin goddess, Apollo is a god of domesticated animals, Artemis is a goddess of the wild, Apollo is a god of oracles and music, Artemis protects the infant at birth and young girls.

Is the word 'calm' a greek word?

"Calm" actually comes to English from the Latin "cauma". It is rumored that this Latin is itself derived from the Greek "kâuma" but this linkage is uncertain.

What is the difference between appeal and appease?

"Appeal" means to make a plea for something, like in a court case, while "appease" means to satisfy or calm someone by giving them what they want.

What is the opposite of disturbed?

The opposite of disturbed is calm or peaceful. This refers to a state of tranquility or serenity, indicating a lack of disruption or agitation.