"According to their website, Sokolov Laws does take on cases for Erbs Palsy that appears to have been caused by the negligence of the attending physician during childbirth. Their website provides information on the symptoms of Erbs Palsy as well as contact information."
i just cut my good for nothing erb's palsy arm off that my friend is how i treated the wrist contracture in my erb's palsy arm
Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders affecting body movement and muscle coordination due to damage to the developing brain, while Erb's palsy is a type of brachial plexus injury that affects the nerves in the shoulder region, often occurring during childbirth. Cerebral palsy is a lifelong condition that can impact various areas of development, while Erb's palsy typically affects the function and movement of the arm.
Erbs palsy or Erb-Duchenne palsy (a form of paralysis) is not a hereditary condition. Is caused by injury to a persons upper arm, more specific a persons arm nerves.
Choose a lawyer that specializes in medical malpractice Erbs palsy is a medical situation that the lawyer must investigate and prove the doctor was negligent and failed to see the problem.
There are a number of different types of palsy. These include Cerebral Palsy, Bells Palsy, Bulbar Palsy, Erbs Palsy, etc. They all involve some form of paralyis and lesions on motor neurons. The most common or well known forms are Cerebral Palsy and Bells Palsy.
The age range for contracting erbs palsy is very broad, really stretching the entire span of a human's life as the primary cause of the disease is a trauma to the cervical spinal nerves that innervate the arm. The most common cause is complications from child birth, which brings the average age of contracting the disease down.
"Erb's Palsy is caused by massive trauma to either side of the head and/or shoulder causing a severe stretching/tearing of the nerves, finally resulting in paralysis of the affected area. Minor cases, as in infants, can sometimes be cured naturally through metabolism. The most common treatments include nerve or tendon transfers."
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"I'm not sure where you live but in New York and New Jersey there is one called Tried and Olk. If you get into contact with them, they might be able to refer you to an attorney in your area who is licensed to practice and sue in your particular state."
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