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Q: Can you get refund from disability insurance?
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Purchase Disability Insurance?

form_title=Purchase Disability Insurance form_header=If you're suffering from a disability, insurance can help pay for bills and other needs. Have you received disability insurance in the past?= () Yes () No Does your employer offer disability insurance?= () Yes () No How quickly, and for how long, do you need disability insurance?=_

Disability Insurance?

form_title=Disability Insurance form_header=Disability insurance will protect your income when you are unable to. Get a policy that will provide security for financial future. Do you currently have any disabilities?= () Yes () No Do you currently have any type of disability insurance?= () Yes () No Who would you like to add as a beneficiary?=_

Can you get a tax refund if you receive social security disability?

i am disabilitly ssdi , can i get a tax refund? yes or no

Where can a person get a comparison of disability insurance rates?

One can get a comparison of disability insurance rates on websites like Insurance Data, Disability can Happen, RBC Insurance, Termlife Insurance or SB Information.

Where is the best place to live if you have a disability?

You can live anywhere in the US and do well if you have a disability. Depending on the disability, you can get disability insurance. Disability insurance is figured by your work history and if you get approved.

Can you apply for a disability insurance if you have cancer?

Yes, if you are unable to work. ANSWER: Actually, if you are currently UNABLE to work, you can NOT apply for disability INSURANCE. You have to be actively at work to get insurance for disability.

Disability insurance needs to have tighter restrictions?

Disability insurance needs to have tighter restrictions

Will a disability affect my insurance quote Where can I get valid insurance for a disabled California driver?

In California a disability will not effect your insurance quote but if you are in southern state like Florida a disability will effect you insurance quote.

What is the best company that offers disability insurance?

MetLife Disability Income is the best company that offers disability insurance. You can read more about Flexible Disability Income Insurance and Policies at

Can you get disability insurance before surg?

If you are currently unable to work or disabled, you may not be able to qualify for a regular disability insurance policy. There are few insurance companies that can offer substandard disability insurance, or graded benefit disability insurance. You should discuss this with an experienced agent, before you get the surgery.

Does Virginia have long term disability?

You have to check into Social Security disability, if you don't have your own disability insurance (individual policy, or through your employer); It is recommended that you get your own Disability Insurance policy if your employer does not offer such benefits. Yes, there are disability insurance policies available in Virginia.

Which American companies offer individual disability insurance?

MetLife offers disability insurance for individuals. It is best to buy disability insurance when one is young, because insurance gets more expensive when one gets older.