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Not as a dependent on the married filing joint income tax return.

You will each get one exemption on the MFJ income tax return for a total of 2 exemptions.

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Q: Can you file your disabled spouse as a dependent?
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Why cant you claim a disabled spouse as a dependent?

You can...and it's a double exemption most of the time.

Can you count a disabled spouse on a dependent support calculation form?

[This assumes that the question is about calculating ability to pay child support.] It's worth a try, especially if the disabled spouse has extraordinarily high medical expenses.

Can you claim wife as a dependent?

You may never claim your spouse as a dependent. You may, however, claim a standard exemption for your spouse if she does not have to file and you are not filing jointly (and as long as no one else is claiming her as a dependent).

How can i claim my husband as a dependent?

You don't claim a spouse as a dependent. If you are married you have only two option to legally file your taxes. These are Married Filing Joint and Married Filing Separately. Married Filing Jointly is where you file together and you don't file a spouse as a dependent but you still receive all benefits as if they were a dependent. You will get a higher Standard Deduction and get two exemptions plus any other dependents you may have. Married Filing Separately requires both of you to file the same way and each has to enter the other spouses social security number on their return. You can't file the spouse as a dependent this way.

Can your husband claim you as a dependent on your tax return?

A spouse is never considered a dependent. However, you can claim an exemption for your husband as long as you file a joint return. You also are allowed an exemption deduction for yourself. A spouse is never considered a dependent. However, you can claim an exemption for your husband as long as you file a joint return. You also are allowed an exemption deduction for yourself. A spouse is never considered a dependent. However, you can claim an exemption for your husband as long as you file a joint return. You also are allowed an exemption deduction for yourself.

How do I know if I need to file form 8917?

Form 8917 is used to claim a tuition deduction. You can file the form is you have you, a spouse, or dependent has qualifying education expenses.

Can you file your IRS taxes jointly if you are not married in North Carolina?

I don't think you can file jointly with a non spouse, however if one of you is not working, can be a dependent of the other.

Can you file a joint return when one spouse is disabled and living at a veterans home?

As long as you are still married to each other, you can file a joint return. However, it is not mandatory for married couples to file a joint return.

Can a married taxpayer file as head of household on a federal tax return if the qualifying person is his dependent same-sex spouse?

Yes, if the spouse meets all other criteria for dependent (i.e., income, cohabitation, etc.). You must not state that the relation is "spouse," however. You can use the relation "other."

If your dependent child marries in August can you still claim her for the year on your taxes?

When marrying, you child and their spouse must decide whether to file jointly or separately. If they file jointly, they will claim themselves for tax purposes, and you cannot claim them. A taxpayer can usually claim a married person as a qualifying child dependent if all of these conditions are met: If the child and their spouse marry but file separately or do not file AND They are under age 19 or under age 24 and a full time student or permanently disabled or they are over the age of 19, not a full time student, but earn less than $3650/year AND They live with their parents for over half the year AND They don't provide over half of their own support for the year

Is it a crime when youre spouse neglects you for months at a time?

Not unless you are disabled and your spouse is a caregiver.

Can I file myspouse were unmarried on your taxes as dependent He is on childsupport for a 1 yr old and we have 2 He is in school fulltime and imthe headofhousehold Will i get all my return back?

You need to file an injured spouse form. see links