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No she cannot get pregnant that way.

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Q: You were with your girlfriend and went off in your boxer shorts. Later your hand touched outside shorts and it was wet and sticky. You wiped your hand off but later fingered her could she be pregnant?
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Can you get pregnant if your partner was adjusting himself and then fingers you but touched the shaft of his penis?

You really can't get pregnant from pre-ejaculation, there is like a 1 to 100 ratio of it happening. I guess the only way you could get pregnant from that was if he had already finished outside of you and had gotten semen on his fingers and then fingered you. Even then, there's a very small chance you could get pregnant.

Could your girlfriend be pregnant if her period is one week late but you didn't put your penis inside her but you touched her with your penis for one minute only outside?

no, She will not be pregnant but never actually have sex doing nothing but touching with a penis a lady feels more special if you put your dick inside her

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It's not likely she will want to be touched or handled if she is pregnant.

Can Breasts Be Touched?

Female breasts are touched or played with during foreplay, otherwise some women/girls find it ok if their botfriend/girlfriend touch them

Your bf touched you a week before your period and then you got it on time but then now you are late with your period could you be pregnant?

No. Whenever you are at risk because of activity, you are only at risk for that menstrual cycle. If your boyfriend touched you and you had a normal period, then you are not pregnant. If he touched you after that and now you're late, I'd raise an eyebrow, but I wouldn't worry.

What can you do with your girlfriend?

depends how old you are but you can make out, feel her up and have fun, girls love being touched

Can you get pregnant for putting toys up your vagina?

I did research and if you were the last one that touched the toys No, but if your boyfriend, or any other male touched it after sexual intercourse, yes you can

I touched my gf Verginal with my fingure but not sure if i have touched my penis before that. But last 2 months she is having periods for 3 days and this time for 12 day Can she be pregnant for this.?


Why don't girls like their asses touched?

cause its disrespectful.! you have to understand that or you will NEVER get a girlfriend unless you date a $lut

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it could be that ur guinea pig is pregnant when there pregnant they dont like to be touched

Is there a high chance that you can get pregnant if semen drips from the anus but your not entirely sure if it touched the vagina?

NO, the semen wont do deep enough to make you pregnant. just a very low chance.