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It certainly can if the concrete becomes too waterlogged.

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Q: Will rain mess up concrete just poured around posts?
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How do you strip forms with freshly poured concrete?

Yo what's up! This is easy you just a stick to draw or something

How do you brighten concrete It doesn't match the new drive we just poured?

Check with your local home improvement store. Several preparations are available to clean and brighten existing concrete.

How do you brighten concrete that doesn't match the new drive we just poured?

You can have it pressure washed. Even that will not make them the same. Time will even them out.

What is the difference between the setting and hardening of concrete?

Setting indicate the beginning of stiffening of concrete ,in this case the concrete has not any strength and any cracks if occur can be re unit the concrete in this state just like a dough bread afar setting the concrete stiff and become hard and get strength and any cracks if happen cant be re unit

What is the area of concrete poured if they needed to cover a square that was 2 feet by 2 feet?

Given that the area of a rectangle is represented as A=l x w, where l =length, and w=width, and that a square is just a rectangle where all the sides are the same, the area of this square would = 2 feet x 2 feet. That yields a prodcut of 4 square feet, which is the area you would need to cover in poured concrete.

How much does concrete slab cost?

Depends on size and thickness. You take length x Width x Thickness= Then Divide by 27. That will give you How many yards of concrete you need. Then you need to call your local concrete company and get a price per yard. Multiply your yards with price and the you have your price Just for your concrete. Now as far as having somebody to the whole process for you i would call around and get as many estimates as possible to compare prices.

How is concrete measure in units?

Concrete is typically measured in cubic yards or cubic meters to determine the amount needed for a project. It is important to calculate the volume of the space where the concrete will be poured to determine the amount needed. Concrete is usually ordered in increments of a cubic yard or cubic meter from suppliers.

How do you make a hand print in concrete?

Normally you press your hand(s) in the cement when its wet or just been poured, however, if where you want the prints is already hard, you can cut a small square out, and pour fresh cement and put your prints in the new patch.

What does endless scrolling mean on Tumblr?

Instead of clicking older posts on your blog, the posts will just load below it.

How do you build a concrete slab?

Building a concrete slab is not difficult. Simply excavate the area where the slab is to go, and build a wooden box frame around it. Then, add crushed stone and pour the concrete on top. Finally, just smooth it out and allow it to dry.

What are the pros and cons for a poured concrete basement and a wood-base basement?

True termites don't eat concrete. I would suggest concrete just because if there is any water damage it does't effect it as much. If you had a wooden basment,humidity and temperature would have a major factor on it's annual outcome. If it is fully finished with insulation and drywall, with a concrete foundation you can use a wood flooring. Concrete is you best bet, you can put almost anything you want on top of it, carpeting, tiles, wood , I would suggest a floating wood floor if any wood at all.

Do you have any major tips on building a deck on the ground, with existing concrete base?

First you got to make sure that the ground is level. I would replace the concrete base of the patio deck. then you will have to decide if you want a wooden deck, structural plastic ( highly recommended ) or just leave it the concrete slab. You would need to build a base for ventilation so the wood wont rot. From there you can start building the posts and boards.