It may need a thorough cleaning or it may have internal damage. You should take it to a gunsmith for a professional inspection and repair.
Your browning auto-5 shotgun was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1957.
if you are asking about a browning auto-5 shotgun?The year of production of your browning shotgun is 1928.
Being that you said auto shotgun,then you have the Browning auto-5 shotgun that was made by FN in Belgium from 1903-1975.Your serial number indicates that your Shotgun was made in the year 1938.
your browning auto-5 was made in 1925.
If your browning auto-5 shotgun is a 12gauge,then it was made in 1927.If you have a 16 gauge shotgun then it was made in 1934.
Depending on condition,your browning auto-5 shotgun is valued at between 425-725 dollars.
your browning model auto-5 shotgun is valued at between 375-650 dollars.
Browning will send you a manual if you contact them.
If we are talking about a browning auto-5 shotgun,and the serial number is 1M not IM then your shotgun was a standard weight model auto-5 shotgun in 12 Gauge that was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1961.
Your browning auto-5 shotgun was produced in 1931.
He was an inventor.
with the serial number that you have supplied,your Browning auto-5 shotgun was made in between 1910-1912.