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Its important to keep your home beautiful.

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Q: Why is it important to maintain the cleanliness of the yard?
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How important is sanitation to a persons everyday life?

o we could maintain cleanliness and orderliness everyday ;)

How do you maintain cleanliness of our community?

We can help maintain cleanliness in our community by cleaning the enviroment and recycling the materials that we can use

How important is it to wipe dogs' paws after a walk to maintain their cleanliness and hygiene?

It is important to wipe dogs' paws after a walk to maintain their cleanliness and hygiene. This helps to remove dirt, bacteria, and potential toxins that they may have picked up while outside, reducing the risk of infections and keeping their paws healthy.

How do you maintain cleanliness in your clothes?

Wash them

What are the responsibilities of housekeeping department in shopping malls?

Maintain the cleanliness of the bathrooms. Replace light bulbs, maintain the cleanliness of the mall by sweeping.

What are the ways an adolescent girl can maitain cleanliness of their body?

To maintain cleanliness of the body of an adolescent girl, she just needs to bathe. This is extremely important when it comes to staying clean and smelling good.

Do Muslim men not have to clean at work because its against their religion?

Muslims must maintain cleanliness. In Islam, cleanliness is considered half of faith. Muslims must maintain clean bodies, clean surroundings, clean hearts and minds, clean language - cleanliness should be in all aspects of our lives. If a person refuses to maintain cleanliness, then it is because of their deficiency in following the commandments of Islam to maintain cleanliness.

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Why is cleanliness and neatness is important?

cleanliness is important to the body so that there are no bacteria can affect to your body .

Why is high standards of cleanliness and hygiene important to staff and a the premises of a retail business?

It is important to maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene in retail businesses due to the direct interaction with the public. Your employees represent the company, and you want them to present a clean and hygienic front so the customers are comfortable. Cleanliness is also a matter of safety, for both the customers and employees.

What is the best time to maintain the cleanliness of the bar?

At all times!

How often should cloth diapers be changed to maintain cleanliness and prevent irritation?

Cloth diapers should be changed every 2-3 hours to maintain cleanliness and prevent irritation.