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maybe is about the organisoe . Organisoe is the thing of kons

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Eino Rolfson

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Q: Why is it important for organism to be able to adapt to changes in abiotic factors?
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Why water and sunlight are two abiotic factors that are important to most organism?

they are important because with out them organisms can not survive a day

What are some abiotic organisms in the Gobi Desert?

"Abiotic organism" is an oxymoron. Abiotic refers to non-living factors. Organism refers to something living, such as a plant or animal. There is no such thing as an abiotic organism. There are abiotic factors, however, such as sand, rock, soil, water, light, etc.

What is the introduction about the abiotic and biotic factors of the desert?

Biotc factors - any living organism or product of a living organism,Abiotic factors - nonliving factors such as sand, soil, gravel, rock, water.

What are the nonliving parts of an organism's environment called?

A nonliving factor would be called an abiotic factor. A living factor would be called biotic

Why is it important for organisms to be able to adapt to changes in abiotic factors?

It is important for organisms to be able to adapt to changes in abiotic factors because these changes impact their survival and reproduction. Organisms that can adapt to changes in abiotic factors are more likely to thrive and persist in changing environments. This ability to adapt allows species to evolve and diversify over time.

What two kinds of the factors does an organism depend on for survival?

together: biotic and abiotic factors determine the survival and growth of an organism and the productivity of the ecostystem in which the organism lives

Nonliving parts of an organism's environment?

The nonliving parts of an organism's environment are called abiotic factors.

What are two Abiotic factors that affect organism in a river?

i have no clue

What are the nonliving parts of an organism called?

The nonliving parts of an organism's environment are called abiotic factors.

The ability of an organism to withstand fluctuations in biotic and abiotic environmental factors?

The ability of an organism to withstand fluctuations in biotic and abiotic environmental factors is known as environmental resilience. Organisms with high resilience are better able to adapt to and recover from changes in their environment, allowing them to thrive in diverse conditions. This trait is critical for survival in dynamic ecosystems.

Is a towel an abiotic factor?

Yes, a towel is an abiotic factor as it is not a living organism. Abiotic factors are non-living components of an ecosystem that can affect living organisms.

Is organism abiotic?

No, organisms are living things and therefore they are biotic, not abiotic. Abiotic factors include physical and chemical components of an environment that do not involve living organisms.