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Please check out Mary Anning.

The sea shells were dinosaur bones. She started making money finding them when she found a ichthyosaur at 12 years old. She found the first plesiosaur.

By the time she died, at the age of 47, she had received a lifetime annuity from the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

"She sells sea shells by the sea shore." was written by Terry Sullivan in the late nineteenth century with her in mind.

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Q: Why did Sally sell seashells on the seashore when anyone could easily just pick them up right there?
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Sally was selling seashells by the seashore when you can just pick them up, because she would have a monopoly of all the seashells if she collected all the seashells on that particular seashore, and therefore could sell sea shells by the sea shore. The answer above is a good one, but I have always wondered why she wouldn't take the shells farther inland, so people wouldn't ask the question you asked. Because she sucks at business.

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How Much Seashells Did Sally Sell?

Terry Sullivan's 1908 tongue twister, "She sells seashells," according to P. J. McCartney in Henry de la Beche (1978), is based on Mary Anning's life as a English fossil collector, dealer, and palaeontologistShe sells seashells on the seashoreThe shells she sells are seashells, I'm sureSo if she sells seashells on the seashoreThen I'm sure she sells seashore shells.There is no mention of how many shells "she" sells. If we wanted, we could make up a suitable line, such as:She sells seventy shells to see at the seashore;She sells her seventy seashore shells from the sea.

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How many seashells did Sally sell by the seashore?

1).- All of them2).- However many she had 3).- Sally sold 4,835,256 seashells by the seashore. (Either she's good, or she sold them all cheaply, or for free.)4).- Sun-bonneted Sally swiftly and surely sold sixty-six thousand six hundred sixty-six spicy, saucy, sausage-scented seashells by the sizzlingly sun-soaked seashore shortly before sunset, in packets of seven silly-shaped stainless steel saucepans with sixteen stupendously sumptous, sexy sizzling sisters sauntering around suggestively in their skimpy strapless swimsuits!