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I have seen this happen when there is some naturally occurring iron in the stone used in the mix.

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Q: Why are rust spots appearing on the cement walkway?
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Can cement rust?

no cement can not rust unless you add some type of iron or material that can oxidize into it

How do rust spots develop on paver tiles and do they weaken the tiles?

I don't know how the rust spots got there but they wont effect the strength of the tiles

How do you clean rust spots?

lemonjuice and salt.

Is rust a count noun or a non-count noun?

The noun rust is a non-count noun. Units of rust are worded as 'spots of rust' or 'patches of rust'

Removing rust and mold spots from lampshades?

Sandpaper will take care of the rust and Clorox for the mold. Good luck!

Is Evapo-Rust safe to use on car paint with rust spots?

Evapo-Rust is safe to use on car paint with rust spots. It is a non-toxic and non-corrosive rust remover that won't harm the paint when used properly. Just make sure to follow the instructions on the product label and rinse the treated area thoroughly after use.

When you wash your wolfgang puck Knives in the dishwasher you get what looks like rust spots. What can you do about this?

The rust spots might be caused by rusting parts inside the dishwasher, such as under the 'wand' piece that rotates at the bottom of the dishwasher. Consult your manufacturer's Operating Manual FIRST then a hardware store manager for suggestions; different products can reduce rust---but not remove it completely. The part(s) will likely need replaced for the rust spots to stop on your knives.

How can you remove rust spots on a basement carpet?

Try CLR or an OXY cleaner.

Do bronze lamps rust if left out in the rain?

Yes, bronze lamps do rust if left out in the rain. If bronze is not well kept, it can quickly become dull-looking and tarnished with spots that resemble rust.

What are rust like spots on rubber plant?

Rust-like spots on a rubber plant can indicate a fungal infection, such as rust or leaf spot disease. To treat, remove and dispose of infected leaves, improve air circulation around the plant, and avoid overhead watering. Fungicides can also be applied if the problem persists.

Can rust spots under a car be fixed ford escort 97?

Not very easily. The rust spots have to be cut out and new metal welded back in. Then it has to be ground down and filled with body putty. Then sanded smooth and repainted. Some have tried cutting the rust portion of the fenders out and filling it in with a fiberglass mat and body putty.

What takes rust off stainless flatware?

If its just small spots of rust, I use a scouring pad (usually metal) whcih removes the rust spot quite nicely without harming the finish of the cutlery.