You'd have to go to the county property records to determine who owns a particular tract of land. There is no set rule about who normally or must own land between anything and anything else.
Yes. When a person sustains an injury on residential property through no fault of their own the party that owns that property is responsible.
An interesting question and not an easy answer. You may own up to the middle of the street but the public has the right to use the street and the sidewalk for all purposes of a public way if it is a public way. In some places the town owns the streets. It depends on how the street was originally laid out. There is no single answer. You would need to check the title to your property to find the original street layout. Street layouts are not universal. Some jurisdictions take easements of way and some own the fee to the streets. Some use a mixture of both. Sometimes the easement rights reach beyond the curb to include the far side of the sidewalk. Sometimes the rights end at the curb. The only way to answer your question accurately would be to find the original taking that created the city's rights in your particular street. An experienced title examiner would need to study all the road layouts, takings and accompanying plans to answer this question for any particular property.
you can. Surf above rustboro above meteor falls. Find TM01 and the grass on that island has jigglypuff
There is no single answer to your question. The area between a street and the outside edge of the sidewalk is called a verge. That may also refer to the grassy edge along a road or highway.Generally, the owner of a residential property owns the verge. However, in that case and other cases such as commercial property, undeveloped property and land along highways, research must be done in the land records to determine ownership. That type of research is extremely complicated and needs to be done by a professional.An experienced title examiner would need to study all the road layouts, takings and accompanying plans to answer this question for any particular property.
depends on what outside. if you are at a sidewalk bistro you can (maybe because the restaurant owns that property). if you are on your own and want to drink while walking down the street, maybe not.
Be very descriptive. Ex: Not Imagery - Jane owns a soccer ball. Imagery - Jane owns an old, worn down, and grass stained blue and red soccer ball.
Each company owns its own network.If you mean the Internet, it doesn't have a single owner; rather, there are agreements between several institutions.Each company owns its own network.If you mean the Internet, it doesn't have a single owner; rather, there are agreements between several institutions.Each company owns its own network.If you mean the Internet, it doesn't have a single owner; rather, there are agreements between several institutions.Each company owns its own network.If you mean the Internet, it doesn't have a single owner; rather, there are agreements between several institutions.
Friend's if one of your friends owns something. Friends' if 2 or more of your friends owns something.
No the bank pays the property tax and maintains the property. You are still responsible for the mortgage
Find someone who owns Pokemon Black and use the Entralink to enter their Black City. Talk to people in there as they may want to move to your forest (which in turn makes grass and trees appear in the forest)