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Q: Which parts of earths orbits are best for warm weather activities in the northern hemisphere?
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The longest season on the northern hemisphere is summer.

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The northern hemisphere has much more land than the southern hemisphere.

What is each half of the of earths surface called?

To the north of the equator is the northern hemisphere, and to the south is the southern hemisphere.

Why are seasons reversed in northern and southern hemisphere?

Because Earths axis is tilted.

How does the rotation of earth modify ocean currents in the northern hemisphere?

because of the Earths rotation the ocean currents are not in straight lines. In the northern hemisphere they curve to the right

How does the rotation of earth modifies ocean currents in the northern hemisphere?

because of the Earths rotation the ocean currents are not in straight lines. In the northern hemisphere they curve to the right

How many jet streams are in Earths northern hemisphere?

There are typically two main jet streams in the Earth's northern hemisphere: the polar jet stream and the subtropical jet stream. These high-altitude, fast-flowing air currents play a significant role in shaping weather patterns.

Why is it summer in northern hemisphere and winter in southern hemisphere?

It is like this because the Earths axis is tilted which effects the seasons in the hemispheres.

What is summer in the northern hemisphere it is winter in the southern hemisphere why is it so?

that's thanks to the 23 degrees tild of the earths axis