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Q: Which activity were puritan children most likely to be encouraged to participate in?
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Puritan town meetings were significant because?

encouraged religious toleration.

Who could participate in the government of the Massachusetts colony?

Only men who were members of the Puritan church could participate in the government

What did puritan children play?

They played with TURNIPS

What fears did puritan children face?

crackheads with rage

How were children and adolescents treated in puritan New England?

the children were treated like adults

How is Puritans?

Puritan life was very strict and religious. In the Puritan colonies the families attended church every Sunday and this was mandated. The Puritan children had rules and chores within the family.

What did puritan children wear?

Puritan children wore clothing that was simple. Boys and girls wore similar clothing. It was made of lightweight fabric, and was not constricting. It was designed so children could move freely, and effortlessly.

How was a hornbook used?

A hornbook was a basic educational tool used in the past to teach children the alphabet, numbers, and basic prayers. It consisted of a sheet of parchment or paper with these elements attached and covered with a thin, transparent piece of horn to protect it. Children would use it to practice reading and writing.

What is a Puritan way of life?

Puritan's live in villages that consisted pf four city block's . their family was made up of children a husband and a wife.

What jobs do Puritan men do in modern society?

Puritan Men had to wash dishes.Sometimes they had to farm and sometims they had to Preach the lords word.Some Puritan Men had to baby sit there children while the women worked in the farm or barn.

Did Most of the activity in an early Puritan home take place in the family room?

No, in an early Puritan home, most of the family's activities, such as eating, socializing, and working, took place in the kitchen or the "hall," which served as a multi-purpose room. The family room as a separate concept didn't really exist in Puritan homes during that time.

What games did puritan children play?

Bowling and hat ball and checkers and Monopoly 2000 and tennis and scrabble