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the amazon rainforest is the most common place

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Q: Where is the most common place people cut down trees?
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What are tha exples of sentense?

A place for trees and animals Cutting down trees is not good

Is it harmful to cut trees down in the rain forest?

What do people think about outher people cutting down trees in the rain forest

How do trees give people jobs?

because you have to chop trees down

How have people been changed by the environment?

people can change the enviroment anywhere, by cutting down trees, littering , killing animals, even being there in the first place

Why do trees fall down?

because people chop them down

What kind of people cut down trees?

the people that cut down trees are people that get paid to do it. Or people that cut down trees

How are trees being destroyed?

trees are being destroyed by people cutting them down.

How have Pittsburgh people been changed by the environment?

people can change the enviroment anywhere, by cutting down trees, littering , killing animals, even being there in the first place

Why do people in NZ cut down trees?

because there are so many trees and even people think they are not good

What happens if the people cut down all the trees and there is none left in the future?

there will be no trees.

How people renew trees?

They plant new trees where the old ones were cut down.

What social actions could be taken to stop people cutting down the rainforests?

People could hold protests, pay the farmer to stop cutting down trees for land or for every tree cut down another musty be planted in its place