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While in the United States, one often needs a license to practise fishing. However one can fish anywhere without a license if they are under the age of sixteen.

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Q: Where in the US canone fish without a fishing liscence?
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Is it fish pole or fishing pole?

It is a pole for fishing, a fishing pole. To be a fish pole, the pole would have to be made out of fish or it would have to be a pole that a fish uses.

Is there any fishing spots in donegal pa that you can fish without a license?

Private farm ponds.

Can a Indian fish without a license?

In India, fishing without a license is generally not allowed. It is recommended to check with the local authorities for specific rules and regulations regarding fishing licenses in the area where you plan to fish.

In Dragon Fable what happens wen you get fish?

When you get a fish in dragonfable fishing it goes to your aquarmium. one you get 20 fish you have completed your fishing collection and you are now the fishing master!!!! Have fun fishing!!

How do you ocean fish without having a negative effect on the other animals?

The only way is by not fishing at all

What is bone fishing?

Fishing for Bone fish.

What are the effect of illegal fishing?

Illegal fishing is sometimes called poaching. Poachers do not respect fishing seasons (times when you are allowed to fish for a give species) which could affect breeding and lower fish stocks in a body of water. Poacher also may not abide by catch limits which adds further pressure to the fish and may lower fish stocks in the given body of water.Poaching (fishing out of season, or for protected species, or fishing above quotas, or fishing without a license) is a criminal act and could lead to fines and imprisonment.

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Did fishing decrease fish population?

yes,fishing for food decreased fish population.

What are the types of fish caught on a fishing bank?

big fish is caught in a fishing bank