Harlem New York. See Go Tell it on the Mountain is a semi autobiography of James Baldwin
Go Tell It on the Mountain - novel - was created in 1953.
That Jesus Christ is born.
That Jesus Christ is born!
That Jesus Christ is born.
Go Tell It on the Mountain - novel - has 272 pages.
Go Tell It on the Mountain - 1984 was released on: USA: 1984
Go Tell Fire to the Mountain was created on 2011-06-13.
Go, Tell It On The Mountain, Over the hills and everywhere; Go, Tell It On The Mountain That Jesus Christ is born. THAT JESUS CHRIST IS BORN!
the church
That is Go Tell It On The Mountain, which is an African-American spiritual song, which dates to around 1865.
"Go Tell It on the Mountain" was written by James Baldwin. It was his first novel, published in 1953, and is considered a classic of African American literature.