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Q: Where did Elmer Keith spend most of his hunting and outfitting days?
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hunting an trapping

What did people spend most of their time doing?

hunting for food

Where did the Goddess Artemis spend her time?

Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting and wilderness, was often associated with the wilderness and spent her time roaming and hunting in forests and mountains. She was also closely linked to the moon, and her sanctuary was located at the ancient city of Ephesus in present-day Turkey.

What did early people spend most of their time doing?

hunting for food

What did the earliest groups of the people spend most of their time doing?

hunting for food

How do tigers spend their days and nights?

Tigers are primarily crepuscular hunters, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk. During the day, they rest and conserve energy, usually in shady areas to avoid the heat. At night, tigers typically roam their territory in search of food and water, using their excellent night vision to hunt effectively.

What is the future outlook of hunting in 5 years?

Less people will hunt. But, hunters will spend more time hunting and will hunt a greater variety of game.

How do hawks spend their time?

flying, hunting, maxin, relaxin, chillin' like a boss

Why does the father spend the afternoon hunting instead of staying with his worried son?

H too

What is the red panda's behavior?

They are nocturnal creatures who spend ~13 hours a day hunting for food. They also spend a lot of their time traversing tree limbs.

What is the lion's favourite activity?

Eating. They spend most of the day hunting, sleeping, and watching over the pride.

Where would Artemis the Greek goddess spend most of her time?

Hunting in the wild places or upon Olympus.