The answer to this question will vary from year to year, but generally the bucks will show signs of pre-rut activities around the middle to end of October, and will rut in the middle to end of November.
The Rut Starts in the 2ND week in November and ends at the end of December.
The rut is when the bucks start chasing the does! Really, I have found the peak of the rut in Iowa to be the week of Veterans day. Give or take as deer are unpredictable but this has always been a HOT week.
around the middle of october
In green swamp it didnt start tell jan.
in the fall , it seems that the first cold snap has something to do with it but scientiest arn't sure what causes them to start to In Arkansas, our deer hunting season usually coincides with the rut. This year (2007) the rut peaked around the 15th of November. There was a secondary rut that followed about two weeks later.
Rut Brandt's birth name is Rut Hansen.
Rut Tellefsen's birth name is Rut Fredriksen.
i hunt in south western ky and start seeing fresh rubs in september usualy the 2nd or 3rd week.
Kansas and Kentucky
2nd full moon of November is the peak of mating. Oct 26 should be right around the start