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You use this phrase whenever it's the right time to act on something, and when waiting until later would result in losing your chance at the thing. For example, if zombie books are very popular now, and your company makes plastic figurines, you might say "Let's strike while the iron is hot and produce some zombie figurines."

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You need to think up your own examples for this. WikiAnswers cannot write your stories for you. This phrase means "act while the time is right," so think of a time when you waited too long and lost your chance.

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Q: When do you use the idiom striking while the iron is hot?
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What is the missing word Strike while the what is hot?

This is a blacksmithing idiom - you strike while the iron is hot so that you can make whatever the blacksmith is making. If the iron cools off, you can't make anything out of it because it's too hard and stiff.

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This phrase means getting work down while its most optimal (when the conditions are best/right) to do so or while there is still time to. the best similar idiom would be: 'strike while the iron is hot' , but 'screw her while shes still drunk' is also a good parellel

Is the phrase while the iron is hot an idiom?

No, only "while the iron is hot" means exactly what it seems to mean.Examples:I must finish the ironing while the iron is hot.While the iron is hot after curling your sister's hair, let me curl the hair around your face.IdiomThe complete quotation of the idiom is 'strike while the iron is hot'. It means now is the right time to do something.Example:The company has made a good profit this year, so strike while the iron is hot to ask your boss for a raise!"Strike while the iron is hot!" the father counseled his son. "You are 22 years old, with no college education, but the Army is offering a huge sign-up bonus with guaranteed training and 4 year college degree."My favorite company is offering free samples worth $5,000, so I was the first one in line starting 3 days ago. 'Strike while the iron is hot,' as my grandma used to say.

What Yeats writing is this from Do not wait to strike while the iron is hot make the iron hot by striking?

This quote is not from Yeats; it is actually a variation of a quote by William Butler Yeats that is often misattributed to him. The original quote by Yeats is, "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking." It emphasizes the importance of taking action and creating opportunities rather than waiting for the perfect moment.

What is the story of strike while the is hot?

"Strike while the iron is hot" is an idiom that means to take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself, rather than waiting. The phrase originates from blacksmithing, where iron is easier to shape and mold when it's hot. It emphasizes the importance of acting promptly and decisively to capitalize on favorable conditions.

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot but make it hot by striking?

Talk about doing somthing the hard way, not very efficient.

What is meant by 'strike while the iron is hot'?

"Strike while the iron is hot" means "act while you have the chance to".It comes from the black-smithing practice of heating up metal and then striking it when it is malleable to shape it. If you let the metal cool off, then it breaks instead of bends into shape.This idiom is used to mean that the topic of the conversation should be carried out before that opportunity is lost forever.Some Examples:Adam: "Have you asked that Sarah out yet?"Ben: "No, I'm too scared"Adam: "Come on! Strike while the iron is hot or someone else might ask her out!""I didn't understand our discussion topic so when the teacher had some free time I decided to strike when the iron was hot and ask him about it."'Striking when the iron is hot' is a metaphor that refers to taking an opportunity when it arises.It comes from the blacksmithing practice of heating up metal and then striking it when it is malleable to shape it.Ex: I didn't understand our discussion topic so when the teacher had some free time I decided to strike when the iron was hot and ask him about it.It means to take action while the topic is still relevant. For example, if you're a policeman and your suspect is seen going into a certain house, you might decide to enter that house to interview him, rather than hope to do it at some time in the future.It means you have to do things on the right moment. You only can change the shape of iron if you strike it while it's red hot.Do things while you can.This expression comes from blacksmithing. Blacksmiths heat a piece of iron until it is red-hot, then hammer it into shape on an anvil. The iron cools once it is out of the forge (the thing it is heated in), and the blacksmith may have to heat it several times before it can be finished. Obviously you don't want to heat it to the right heat then let it cool while you have a coffee break. You want to strike it when it's hot. And that is what the expression means: Do it when the circumstances are best.Another expression which means the same thing, but comes from farming rather than smithing, is "Make hay when the sun shines". You cannot cut hay when it is raining, so if it is sunny, you need to take advantage of the opportunity.The Latins had an even pithier expression: Carpe Diem, which means "seize the day."The expression is Strike while the iron is hot. It means Execute your plan now, because the time is right."Strike when the iron is hot" comes from blacksmithing: don't let the hot iron cool before you strike it with the hammer.

What is the proverb of strike while the iron is hot?

The blacksmith

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What is the temperature of red and white hot iron?

Red hot iron can have a temperature around 1300°C (2372°F) while white hot iron can reach temperatures above 1500°C (2732°F).

A blacksmith hammers a hot piece of iron while making a tool how does the force due to hammering affect the piece of iron?

Hammering hot iron to change its shape is called forging. Hammer blows force movement of iron crystals into different arrangements. If it's hot enough then the strain developed by hammering the iron crystals is relieved by recrystallization

Do you fill your steam iron when hot or cold?

cold or hot it doesn't matter Just don't burn yourself while doing it.