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Spray it with Roundup. Get full strength and mix your own at double the strength. It will kill anything green so make sure you want to kill everything. It stops working after 3 days, you can replant. It only affects living plants, not seed.

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Q: What would be the quickest way to kill off the grass in your back garden?
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Related questions

What eats grass hopper?

Grass hoppers eat diffrent kinds of plants that can be found in your back garden. Also they can munch their way through crops and stuff to (:

How do you remove grass from your garden beds and stop it from coming back?

To remove grass from garden beds, you can manually pull out the grass along with its roots or use a hoe to cut the grass at its base. To prevent grass from coming back, you can lay down a barrier like landscaping fabric or newspaper covered with mulch to smother any remaining grassroots. Regularly monitoring and pulling out any grass that regrows will also help maintain a weed-free garden bed.

Where would you bury an Anderson shelter?

In your back garden.

What is a back garden?

A back garden is a garden towards the rear of a property.

How do you keep grass from regrowing in your garden and killing vegetables?

Grass, like weeds, will invade your garden no matter what you do ! My Ontario garden is to the side of my back yard, and I put a barrier into the ground between the lawn and the garden, and the grass still creeps into the garden, though it slows it considerably. Just keep pulling it out. The grass should not 'kill' your garden, it is just competing for nutrients. Try mid season fertilizing if your veggies are nutrient starved. Composting and manure tea are VERY good for the garden. Note- If you cannot compost, try the "lazy man's compost." Put all vegetable scraps in a blender, and blend it with water into a slush. Toss it between the rows of the garden. ( It will look like someone vomited in the garden, ha ha - but after a few hours, it starts drying up and breaking down. ) A standard composter is the way to go though.

Would the earth look nice if there no elephants?

no the earth would not look nice because the elephants eat the grass and the grass will grow back.

When was Back to the Garden created?

Back to the Garden was created in 1992.

What does grass hoppers and crickets eat?

Grasshoppers do eat grass! It's mainly what they eat along with grass and _______ i forget what else!! :) Are you trying to keep one? Cause i can teach you how to keep one and not let it die! If you want?! But back to question.... They do eat grass thanks for asking! :)

How can facing adversity make you a stronger person?

Well, think of the indians. They would burn down all of their grass (which a lot of people would consider a waste of grass), but then the grass would, later, grow back. And as it was growing back it would come back greener and stronger. The same lies with hearts and spirits. There is a hole in someones heart from adversity, but later the hole would be filled in, and along with that, the spirit would come back alive and be stronger and happier too. Hope it helped!! :-) ;-)

What is the quickest way to learn how to drive stick?

drive on the back roads

What is the duration of Back to the Secret Garden?

The duration of Back to the Secret Garden is 1.67 hours.

When was Back to the Secret Garden created?

Back to the Secret Garden was created on 2001-09-02.