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fresh, cut, neat, soft,

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Q: What word would describe grass that has just been mowed?
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How soon after applying 2 4-D can you plant grass seed?

2, 4-d is a post-emergent herbicide, meaning it should be applied after the newly seeded turf is well established, usually after the grass has been mowed three times.

Was there grass on the Titanic?

Grass? Most likely not. Grass would of been hard to maintain. Real plants and trees would of been used however.

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There is no single answer. Greens at Oakmont, like all courses, have varying speeds depending on the current day's temperature and humidity, the length of the green's grass (whether it has been recently mowed or not), and any recent precipitation.

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It was Mr. Frink's plan to remain here until enough of the coarse grass had been cut and cured into hay to feed out horses across the desert.

What happens if a horse eats too much green grass?

Freshly mowed grass can cause colic from the horse bolting it down too quickly. It can also trigger Laminitis from the sugars released during the cutting, and there is the possibility of the horse being poisoned accidentally from fluids leaking out onto the grass from the mower engine. never feed grass or yard clippings.

Would chemicals or compost grow grass quicker?

If the grass is already in place then a balanced chemical fertiliser would have a quicker effect but if the grass has not been sown then good compost mixed in the topsoil will be a benefit.

If you had your grass sprayed a long time ago will it matter if your guinea pig eats the grass?

I would not recommend giving your pet guinea pig grass that has been sprayed with pesticide.

If Hestia Greek goddess had been a human how would you describe her?

I would describe her as a beautiful middle aged woman. She would be chaste and very maternal.

How would you describe World War 2?

i would describe it as ahorrific time lifes lost and some still alive that shouldn't have been

What would happen if a guinea pig ate from a lawnmower?

It depends on the grass inside. If the grass has been treated with pesticides, or if other animals have used the grass as a toilet, then you should take them to the vet just incase.

How much money should you get if you water the grass?

Ive been watering grass for a 2 yrs and so I would say you should get about $5-$10 an hour