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Q: What types of clothes people wear in rainy season?
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sunny and rainy season

What are the different types of clothes using in different seasons?

In general, lightweight and breathable fabrics like cotton and linen are suitable for summer to keep cool. For fall and spring, layering with items like sweaters, jackets, and scarves can help adjust to changing temperatures. Winter calls for heavy fabrics like wool and down jackets for warmth.

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What types of clothes do people wear in Iraq?

they wear regular clothes like we do dumbasses

Is it rainy windy or snowy in Montana?

Montana has many different types of weather depending on the season, so yes, it can be all three depending on when you're talking about.

What are the types of clothes worn by the people in the tropical zone?

tshirts short pants , slippers are some of the clothes that people that people wear in the tropical zone.

Why is there different types of tropical weather?

Hot, humid climate where summers are wet, hot, damp and suffocating and extremely moist rainy season accompanied with heavy rainfall

How many different types of clothes are there in the world?

there are so many types of cloth as weather change people prefer different cloths like woolen clothes, Cotton Clothes, Nylon Cothes And etc.

What types of clothing do people wear in Brazil?

clothes on there body lol

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Malongs and panties

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batswana people wear makaka

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Some people hunted. Some people make clothes or cook food.