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Wels are giant catfish of Europe, so there you have your answer, catfish.

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Q: What type of fishing is done by the spanish-wells fishermen?
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What type of shelter is used for ice fishing?

Ice fishing can be done with or without a shelter. Some fishermen prefer to just sit on a stool on the ice. However, others have the luxury of a heated cabin, complete with bunk beds and facilities to keep warm.

What type of fishing is striper fishing?

Striper fishing is commonly associated with stripped bass. It is largely dependent on the location , including the type of water. Striper fishing can only be done a few time during the year.

What is the name for the type of fishing that was done in the middle of the Columbia River on sand bars?

Horse seining

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Where can information on fishing for sport be found?

If one is wanting to find information about fishing for sport there is a wealth of information available on Wikipedia under 'recreational fishing'. This type of fishing is done for pleasure or competition rather than commercial fishing which is for profit. One can also find information on fishing for sport on the Sport Fishing Magazine website.

What was the first type of fishing?

fishing with a net

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What does craypot mean?

A craypot is a type of trap used in fishing to catch crayfish or lobsters. It is typically a wire or mesh cage with bait inside that lures the crustaceans in. Once the crayfish enter the trap, they are unable to escape, allowing the fishermen to retrieve them.

What is the best type of fishing?

Stunning them or net fishing is the best.

What is Jackpot fishing?

There is no such thing as jackpot fishing, the only TYPE of fishing is fishing line fishing, hand fishing, bow fishing, kite fishing, dredging, and ice fishing. so there u have it, there is no such thing as jackpot fishing.

What is the comparison of fishing village and of farming village about culture?

The culture of a fishing village and a farming village is similar. Both cultures include a belief in work. The differences are in the type of work being done. The locations, a farming village usually being inland and a fishing village being on a water source, would also result in subtile differences in culture. Also, fishing is often done by the individual and farming often involves the whole family.

What type of labor force did New Hampshire have when founded in 1623?

Primarily fishermen.