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there are no kinds of fish clownfish eat it eats somthings from the rocks and corals and it looks for its food

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15y ago
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15y ago

A clown fish is prey (it eats dead fish though)

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15y ago

Clown fish eat small invertebrates. They are MARINE fish and dont belong in this freshwater section.

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14y ago

Any large, predatorial reef fish that is lucky enough to find a clownfish far away from its anemone will eat it.

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What type of fish should you get your teacher?

it all dependes on thier personality like if there funny u should get them a clown fish!

What type of clown fish is Marlin from the movie Finding Nemo?

…and just then the sea cucumber looks over to the mollusk and says: With fronds like these, who needs anemones? (with friends like these, who needs enemies)

What do Clown anemonefish eat?

The Clown Anemone fish is a type of fish who relies their safety to other creatures in the sea. Usually Clown Anemone fish eats plankton or algae.

What type of fish is nemo?

Nemo is a 'ocellaris clownfish' .

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The genus of a clown fish?

If by "Clown Fish" you mean the "Nemo" type then they are "Amphiprion sp." and part of the Perciform or perch group of fishes.

What type of food does a clown fish eat?

Clownfish primarily feed on algae, plankton, small crustaceans, and zooplankton in the wild. In captivity, they can be fed a diet of meaty foods such as mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and commercial fish flakes or pellets.

What are some adaptations of a clown fish?

Clown fish have adapted in many different ways. But the biggest thing is using sea anemones. The sea anemone produces a type of electricity that would shock all predators or prey but not the clown fish. So the sea anemone gives the clown fish a safe place to live and in return the clown fish brings food for the anemone. The clown fish don't get stung b brushing their scales with the tentacles of an anemone. The oils of a clown fish are read by the anemone as friend not foe.

What type of sharks are predators of the clown fish?

tiger shark

What is the first fish to be on earth?

it was a fish that looked like a clown fish and it came with a black cat and it is on for 23.00 dollars if you type in littlest pet shop fish you will find it hope this helps

Do seahorses have eggs or live birth?

it depends on the type of fish fish like sharks give birth to live young and fish like clown fish lay eggs

How does a marsh look?

A marsh is a type of fish, it is a violet colour and the shape of a clown fish but it has blot