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Diet-wise, there's some things you can do to prevent an overactive bladder. First off - put down the sodas. Caffeine (coffee lovers with an overactive bladder should also take note) and carbonation can worsen the issue, and even be the cause of it developing. Alcohol, as well, has a similar effect, as it retains water and leads the body into urinating more frequently. Beer is the biggest culprit. Water based foods are also of concern - avoid excessive consumption of tomatoes, grapes, melons, and mangoes. If you crave fruits, drying them seems to help.

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Q: What should I avoid if I have an over active bladder?
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Related questions

What are the symptoms of over active bladder?

The symptoms of an over active bladder can be going too much to the restroom, more than usual. You should go to a doctor to get tested and see if it's that or rather something else.

What are some over active bladder symptoms?

Some over active bladder symptoms include the burning of urine as it exits, or a very itchy scrotum. These symptoms can be examined by your doctor, and if you need help, recommendation of a doctor is very recommended.

What are over active bladder symptoms?

There are numerous symptoms for an over active bladder. These symptoms can include a sudden urge to urinate that is hard to control, having to urinate over eight times in a single day, or even waking up multiple times during the night to urinate.

What are the typical symptoms of an over active bladder?

An overactive bladder will leave you going to the bathroom more frequently and cause leakage when you cough or sneeze. Overactive bladder mimics the symptoms of those after having a baby.

Treatment options for over active bladder.?

One possible way to treat an over active bladder is prescribed medicine from a doctor. This typically works best and is a daily dose that will put you in a regular schedule. Other options might include certain types of yogurts or foods that can reduce the urge to use the bathroom.

Is it bad to hold in your pee?

It isn't healthy to have an urge to urinate constantly. You should see a doctor.

What are the signs and symptoms of neurogenic bladder?

Neurogenic bladder is an issue where a person may lack bladder control due to a condition in the brain, spinal cord, or nerve. When a person with this condition have an over-active bladder, symptoms include: having to urinate too often in small amounts, problems emptying all the urine from the bladder, and loss of bladder control. On the other hand, when a person with this condition have an under-active bladder, symptoms may include bladder becoming too full and may leak urine, inability to tell when the bladder is full, problems starting to urinate or emptying all the urine from the bladder, and urinary retention.

If both myself and my mother suffer from over active bladder, how probable is it that my daughter will also?

Typically overactive bladder is condition that has its roots with pregnancy and childbirth in many but not in all cases. However there are a broad range of strategies including exercise, lifestyle tips, office procedures, and minimally invasive surgeries which will allow you to have an active life without concern over keeping dry.

What are the most common symptoms of an over active bladder in women?

An overactive bladder in women can have a few symptoms. The first is a sudden urge to urinate. Secondly, it can be associated with above average frequency of urination. Lastly, it can cause nighttime urination.

What does it mean when you pee small amounts throughout the day and not realize?

Could be an over active bladder, or perhaps its not exactly pee and it could be something called discharge.

What are the symptoms of an over active bladder?

Some of the symptoms associated with an overactive bladder are: Feeling a strong sudden urge to urinate; Experience urge incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine immediately following and urgent need to urinate; Frequent urination, usally eight times or more within 24 hours.

Is white Discharge after a bladder infection normal?

White discharge after a bladder infection has been treated with antibiotics can be a sign of a yeast infection. You can buy over-the-counter remedies for yeast infection, plus eat yogurt with active cultures in it, or drink acidophilus milk.