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'I waited patiently for Janet to turn up'.

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11y ago

We should listen to the arguments of others with patience.

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Q: What sentence could you have with patience in it?
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How do you use the word Patience in a sentence?

you could put: i have no patience of waiting

Which is the correct sentence please be patience or please have patience?

Please have patience is the correct sentence.

How do you use PATIENCE in a sentence?

She displayed great patience while waiting for the results of her job interview.

Can the word cope be used at the end of a sentence?

Yes it can. "He could no longer cope." He could no longer have patience. "She couldn't cope.

A sentence using the word patience?

The word patience is a noun. It is the quality of being patient.

How do you word you need patience in a sentence?

When dealing with middle school aged children, you need patience.

A sentence for patience?

Enduring the long line at the grocery store required much patience from the customers.

How you put patients and patience in a sentence?

You should have patience when organizing the treatment records for all the patients at the hospital.

How can you use patience in a sentence?

"I must have great patience." "Patience is a virtue." Patience is a noun, meaning "The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset."

Can you give a sentence for levity?

Her only levity is patience.

What is a good sentence with the word patience in it?

my friend and i like art when we come to it my friend says you have patience to make things.

How do you punctuate this sentence patience its a virtue not often seen on the freeway at 515pm?

The sentence should be punctuated as: Patience - it's a virtue not often seen on the freeway at 5:15 pm.