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a fish has a much better sense of smell than the human being

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Q: What sense does fish have that human don't have?
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Is that possible that a human dont have a sense of smell?

Sure, just as a person can be deaf or blind.

Do mermaids eyes change color?

Well logically mermaids dont exist but no they dont because the are half fish half human and fish eyes dont change and neither do humans so with that theory no they dont but who knows maybe Hope this helped TIKI

How would you rewrite the senses of a human with possessive nouns?

You could rewrite the senses of a human with possessive nouns by phrasing them as "the human's sense of sight," "the human's sense of hearing," "the human's sense of taste," "the human's sense of touch," and "the human's sense of smell."

What is an fish a fish?

The question does not make sense. The correct grammar is "a fish" not "an fish."

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Anything that has blood in it. This is mainly when any animal or human is bleeding and they sense it so then they eat it. kill itthey eat fish

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The most highly developed human sense is vision.

How can a human change into fish?

A human cannot change into a fish

How old does a fish have to be to become a fish?

As old as a human has to be to be a human.

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A star fish, although the "arms" are not arms in the same sense as the arms of a human being, of course.

Are fish fish?

I'm sorry but this question makes no sense.

Can a vampire sense a human?

A vampire can't necessarily sense a human, vampires can sense danger. So unless the human was dangerous like a vampire hunter then no a vampire cannot sense humans.

how did my fish drown?

dont put a fish in water