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Droughts can occur at any time of year, although technically speaking, a drought is measured over a long period of time. Some areas that receive their rainfall in winter may experience drought in the following summer if falls are below average, while it would be opposite for those who experience main rainfalls in summer.

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Q: What season do drought occur in?
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A drought can occur in some countries where there's not enough rainfall.

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No there's not. During America's summertime, Nigeria has its rainy season and during wintertime in America, Nigeria has its hot season, but there's never any drought.

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Floods can occur after a season of drought due to several factors. One reason is that the ground becomes dry and hard during the drought, reducing its ability to absorb water. When heavy rain finally comes, the water cannot infiltrate the soil, resulting in increased runoff and thus, flooding. Additionally, in drought conditions, vegetation may have been depleted or dried up, resulting in a lack of vegetation cover that can normally help regulate water flow and prevent flooding.

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October 2007 October 2007

Is drought more likely to occur in Pakistan or Bangladesh why?

drought is more likely to occur in pakistan since pakistan is located in a desert land and bangladesh is a wetland where it rains a lot