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Q: What role did fishing play in the economy of colonial New England?
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What role does fishing play in the European economy?


What role did apprentices play in the colonial economy?

Apprentices contributed to the colonial economy by learning trades. This preserved the knowledge attained by previous generations. It also gave children growing up a place to grow up and learn. It even gave shop owners a source of free labor.

What role did slavery play in the early development of the colonial economy?

they were slaves for plantation and they were encharged of the growth of rice indigo, sugar cane cotton and tabacco

Do you need a fishing rod to play fishing games on Wii?


Were do you play ice fishing on clubpenguin?

You play it in the lodge.

What is more popular in England football or fishing?

I think that football is more popular since most kids at school play football and there are alot of kids ion the uk.

What role does fishing play in the european region?

Fishing plays a great role in the European region. Fishing helps with feeding.

What does poachahontas mean?

"Poachahontas" is a play on words combining "poach" and "Pocahontas," the historical Native American woman known for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown. It could refer to illegal hunting or fishing in a disrespectful or exploitative manner.

Did kids get to play in colonial Jamestown?

Yes, the children in colonial America got to play often, as long as they helped with chores.

What part did tea play in the industrial revolution?

It was a big selling product in England, which is like selling Iphones in america, it was a booming industry that brought money into the economy.

Which is more popular - fishing or football?

To watch, clearly football. To play/do, still football.

What did colonial kids play?
