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Q: What percentage of fish spieces are being overfished?
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What percent the fish was overfished?


What fish are being overfished?

To name a couple Tuna and Cod. Cod can be subsituted with Pollock! And yet people still kill the cod!

Why is cod fish expensive?

Type your answer here... Catholics... eating fish on Fridays. After 2,000 years, the cod has been decimated as well as other fish species.

What fish are over fished?

Some examples of overfished species include bluefin tuna, cod, and Atlantic halibut. These fish populations have been heavily exploited due to high demand and insufficient management measures, leading to concerns about their sustainability.

How many fish are threatened globally?

100 spieces

Is there a penalty for over fishing?

when a place that has had lots of fish for hundreds of years has less and less fish then its quite possible that the place has been overfished.

What is the term used to describe the removal of fish from an area faster than the rate at which they can replace?

Overfished or overfishing.

What is the singular of spieces?

The word species is the singular and the plural form; a species of fish, many species of fish.

What are some threatened fish species in Port Phillip Bay?

The Romy fish is know endangered due to being overfished. The Romy Fish? I caught one of those the other day. Wow. Should I put it back in the ocean? I am currently keeping it in a salt water tank.

WHEN can fish be considered a renewable resource?

As long as fish have an environment that allows reproduction, it is a renewable resource (for food). Just don't eat every fish in the tank at once!

Is the great white shark the bighgest fo the spieces?

The biggest fish is the Whale Shark. It may sound like a whale, but it is a shark

What are pollocks?

Pollock is the common name given to two spieces of fish found in the Atlantic Ocean, they are Pollachius pollachiusand Pollachius virens.