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benthos, And you people need to stop being so rude.

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To list all the species and organisms including bacteria that live in river estuaries (ie in salt and fresh and brackish water) would require an encyclopedia.

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Q: What organisms live at the bottom of oceans and fresh water bodies?
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Why do more organisms live in oceans than in freshwater lakes and rivers?

organisms in fresh water had to adapt. they first lived in the oceans.

Are oceans fresh water or salt water?

All oceans are salt water, the only bodies of fresh water are lakes, rivers, streams, etc.

Will the water from Antarctic ice melted because of global warming go to the ocean surface because it is fresh or to the bottom because it colder?

The oceans are fairly turbulent and any water entering these bodies of water would eventually be mixed with the whole. If this were not the case, we would see pockets of non salty water in our oceans as water from glaciers is fresh water.

Does crayfish live in oceans?

crayfish is the name of the fresh water lobster. In a sense yes a lobster could be considered an ocean crayfish. They are found in bodies of water that do not freeze to the bottom; they are also mostly found in brooks and streams where there is fresh water running, and which have shelter against predators.

Are plankton fishes?

Yes, Plankton are fish as well as plants. They are 50/50 on both.

What is zooplanktor?

organisms in oceans, seas, and fresh water zoo plankton are also to small to see without a microscope

What would happen to the oceans if salt was taken out?

They would become fresh water bodies and all the animals in them would die.

What tide pool zone does zoo plankton live in?

Plankton can be found in the Pelagic zone of oceans, seas, and bodies of fresh water.

Where are plankton mostly found?

Plankton can be found in fresh water and the pelagic zone of seas and oceans. Plankton are organisms that drift around bodies of water.

What is the difference between oceans and lakes?

Oceans are large bodies of saltwater that cover the majority of the Earth's surface, while lakes are bodies of freshwater surrounded by land. Oceans are interconnected and have significant influence on global climate, while lakes are typically smaller and more isolated ecosystems. Oceans have tides and currents, while lakes do not have the same level of dynamic movement.

Is the Atlantic Ocean fresh water?

No. None of the oceans are comprised of fresh water.

What type of water in a rainforest salt water or fresh water?

Rainforest water is typically fresh water, derived from rainfall, rivers, and streams. Salt water bodies such as oceans and seas are not present within a rainforest ecosystem.