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Lion fish live in coral reefs. Most coral reefs occur between 100 and 300 feet deep water.

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Q: What level of the ocean do lionfish live in?
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How does a lionfish adapt?

They live in the red sea and pacific ocean. But they usually do not have to adapt.

What Ocean Zone Do Lionfish Live in?

Yes. Lionfish pose quite a threat to coral reef ecosystems, as they are predatory fish. A new study has shown that, following the introduction of Lionfish, the survival of other reef fish drops by about 80 percent.

What type of weather can lionfish be in?

lion fish live in water not in weather and they live in ocean water(salt water)

In what environment does a lionfish live?

Water. Ocean. Not to sure what country. Near the bottom of the sea. Thanks for asking!

Where is a lionfish most commonly found?

you can find them in the gulf coast though this is not their natural habitat they are invasive there

Where are the lionfish from?

They are normally found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean

Do lionfish give live birth?

some lionfish give live birth while others lay eggs

How did lionfish get here?

The most likely explanation for the introduction of lionfish into the Atlantic Ocean is through the aquarium trade. In August 1992, at least 6 lionfish were released into Biscayne Bay when a beach-side aquarium broke during Hurricane Andrew. It is also thought that lionfish were accidentally or deliberately released into the ocean by aquarium hobbyists.

What are the release dates for Saving the Ocean with Carl Safina - 2012 Scourge of the Lionfish - 1.10?

Saving the Ocean with Carl Safina - 2012 Scourge of the Lionfish - 1.10 was released on: USA: April 2013

Is a lionfish a foreign animal?

That depends where you live. If you live where the Lionfish is native, then its not foreign. But if u live in, lets say, Britain, its a foreign fish. (P.S. Hope this helps)

In which level in of the ocean does a sea otter live?

1 level

Lionfish originaly came from?

Lionfish are originally from the pacific ocean however, they can cause many dangers to the environment as well as to human life here in the United States. That is why the Lionfish are now being considered an invasive specie.