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To list all the cold Freshwater Fish here would be impossible there are thousands of species. It is impossible to name them all but some are koi,goldfish,saimese,arctic ice fish,bass so on but there are much more

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13y ago
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16y ago

All fish are considered to be cold blooded, except for a few species of large shark that are thought use a few endothermic methods of temperature control.

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14y ago

alot.... be more specific ... there are salmon that live in the artic when they migrate .. most cold water fish have an enzyme in their blood that acts like anti freeze does for ur car

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Q: What kinds of fish live in cold water?
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Clown fish are tropical marine species, they do not live in cold water.

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some types of fish that live in water is for example tuna and catfish

Why is a cold water fish called cold water fish?

it is called a cold water fish because they can burry them selves in the bottom of the water but if they had warm water they would die lol @ above because there is cold water and warm water the fish classed as cold water live in colder waters apposed to warm water that live in a tropical region live in much warmer water so are classed a s warm water fish

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Yes, but it has to be certain kinds of fish.

Why fish are cold blooded animals?

fish is cold blooded because the live in water and they are not a mammals

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Trout live mainly in fast flowing, cold water streams, rivers, and brooks they can also be found in lakes joined by those kinds of streams, rivers and brooks.

Can tropical fish live with Koi fish in the same aquarium?

No! because tropical fish live in heated water and koi in cold water.

Can a silver dollar fish live in cold water?


What kinds of fish live around the Bahamas?

There are many different kinds of fish that live around the Bahamas. These fish are considered tropical salt water fish.