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fresh water?

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Q: What kind of water do fresh water shrimps live in?
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Can salt water shrimps live in fresh water?

most likely not. they'er "salt water" shrimps so they cant live in fresh water. sorry if that didnt answer your question.

How Do Shrimps Live in Lakes and Rivers?

There are many different species of fresh and salt water shrimps. All shrimps eat microscopic plant and animal life.

What kind of water do seals live in at zoos?

fresh water

What kind of water do ghost shrimp live in?

Fresh water.

What type of water do shrimp live in?

The wet kind. Some species live in fresh water, others live in salt water.

What kind of turtle live in fresh water?

snapping turtles i think

Can whales live in lakes if yes what kind?

No. Lakes are fresh water. Whales need salt water.

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What kind of water so sharks live in?

Salt water, Fresh water, and even Brackish. Depends on the shark, brosef.

What live in rock pools?

crabs sea eggs and sea slugs and normally fish live in rock pools and aslo shrimps many people think that yabbies like to live in rock pools but they actually live in dirty water and because the rock pool isn't dirty water it is clean fresh water.

What kind of fresh water fish live in lake Esperanza Alcudia Spain?

piranha fish...

What kind of water do lobster live in?

Salt water, generally, but lobster can tolerate fresh water for short periods; it tends to anesthetize them.