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It would depend on what typr of firearm you wish to purchase. It would depend on what typr of firearm you wish to purchase.

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Q: What is thelegal age to purchase a firearm in Minnesota?
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If convicted of a felony in 1980 at 17 years of age is it possible to purchase firearms?

No, you cannot purchase a firearm if you have a felony conviction.

What is theLegal age for entertainment law contract?

Only an adult can sign a contract. In most places that is the age of 18. It can be older in a few places. At a younger age, the parents have to sign the agreement.

Can an 18 year old have a firearm?

It depends on the state in which you are asking about. In the state of Minnesota, a person between 18 and 21 can purchase a shotgun or rifle, and a person age 21 or older may purchase a pistol, providing they meet legal requirements (see MN Statute 624.713 for some of those requirements). In MN, a person age 16 or older may use a firearm to hunt as long at their parent or legal guardian is present (see MN Statute 97B.021)

What is the minimum age to purchase firearm in masssachusetts?

18 for long guns, 21 for handguns. Federal law, applies in all states.

What Florida statute covers the age of a person wanting to purchase a firearm?

Any purchase from a firearms dealer is regulated by Federal law. That law requires that the buyer of a rifle/shotgun be at least 18, handguns 21.

How old do you have to be o own or buy a .22 rifle?

Firearm laws vary state to state, but here in Colorado, you must be 18 to purchase a firearm. To own...there really is no legal age requirement. My dad gave me my frst .22 for my 10th birthday.

What is colorado's requirements of purchasing a firearm?

Be of legal age and not be legally disqualified from purchasing a firearm.

Can Active duty military age 18 purchase firearms?

Anyone 18 or older can purchase a firearm in Texas (from a private seller). Only licensed dealers can not sell a handgun or handgun ammo to someone under 21.

What is the age of consent in Minnesota if you're 21 and she's under 18?

The age of consent is 16 in Minnesota.

What is the average age of residents in Minnesota?

The average age of residents in Minnesota is around 37 years old.

What is the age of serial number 1184B?

is that the serial number of a model A ford ??? or firearm?? If a firearm, which firearms, who made it and what model............?????

At what age can you get your driver's license in Minnesota?

you have to be 18 to get your drivers license in Minnesota