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the average Draw weight for deer, turcky and hog is between 60 and 70 lb

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30 pounds

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Q: What is the draw weight needed to kill a deer?
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What is the lowest draw weight that will kill a deer?

The lowest draw weight on a bow, that I've heard of is about 55 pounds. But I've heard of people killing deer with a little less.

How far can you kill a deer with a 30 pound draw weight?

15-20 yards if it is a good shot

What is the legal draw weight for hunting in NH?

There technically is not a required weight, however it is recommended that to have a compound bow set to at least 30-35lbs. It all depends on the placement of the arrow in the deer or animal. If you place an arrow in the lungs or heart of a deer, shooting it with a draw weight of 35lbs, it will most likely kill the deer.

How much draw weight does it take to kill a deer?

I use a 55 pound. In Ohio it is illegal to hunt deer with less than 40 or 45 (I don't remember.)

Can a 30lb compound bow kill a deer?

It surely can, but it will depend on the shot. In my country (Hungary), however, it is illegal to hunt with any bow, compound or reflex, with a draw weight below 50 lbs.

How much Muzzle velocity is needed to kill a deer?

Properly placed, a 22 lr will do the job.

What would the minimum draw weight be to kill an elephant with a compound bow?

Around 100

Can a 35lb draw bow kill a deer?

Yes, a 35 lb. draw weight can kill a deer, you just need to be at a minimum range of 10-20 yards and a maximum range of 30-35 yards in order for the shot to be deadly. My gym teacher's friend he met competition shooting a long time ago once hunted every legal game animal in North America on nothing but a 35 lb. draw weight, so it is possible, Just aim carefully and be far enough away. Happy hunting to you!

Is it possible to kill a deer with a baseball?

yes a hit to the skull can kill a deer

Can a deer kill a lion?

No. Lions kill deer, not the other way around.

How much pull back weight to kill a deer?

id say 60ish for about 20 yards but im realy not sure

Can a 62 re-curve bow kill a deer?

you shouldn't be trying to kill a deer!