Tossing is when you throw something and catch is when u catch the toss
the pokemon u catch
a fish is harder to catch
Fetch means "go and bring back." Catch means "grab ball when thrown."
There is not a difference unless you catch an Official League Baseball.
not much only in sapphire you can only catch kyogre and in emerald you can catch both kyogre and groudon.
A skink is a type of lizard while a lizard is a catch-all for Skinks, Iguanas, etc.
Freestyle wrestling is the modern version of catch-as-catch-can, with a couple of changes to the rules. Professional catch-as-catch-can also included hooking (submissions, pain moves), which were not used during amateur tournaments. Freestyle wrestling came to the olympics under the name catch-as-catch-can, before it was changed to simpler "freestyle".
"Catch fire" means to start burning, while "catch on fire" means to become engulfed in flames. The phrase "catch on fire" is more intense and implies a more significant amount of fire compared to just "catch fire."
A tea strainer is used to catch tea leaves when pouring. There isn't a difference between an English tea strainer and a regular one, they are the same thing.
sky tossing is a game played by inuit children
Midget Tossing was created on 1997-04-01.
"Tossing your cookies" means being sick...vomiting