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Milk is the best thing to soak your feet in.

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Q: What is the best thing to soak feet in?
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Related questions

What is a soak?

It means to soak your feet. This often involves putting special things in the water to soothe your feet, but you can also just soak them in water.

What do people soak?


What is a good sentence for soak?

I like to soak my feet in cold water.

What is a foot soak?

It means to soak your feet. This often involves putting special things in the water to soothe your feet, but you can also just soak them in water.

Can you make a sentence with the word soak?

I'm going to go soak my feet.

How long should your feet soak in epsom salt?

One should measure 1/8 cup Epsom salt into the soak water per each cup of soak water. One should soak his/her feet for as long as desired.

What can you soak your feet in to eliminate swelling?

soak it in kerosene..light a match..and call the dr in the morning

What is the best thing for tired feet?

elevation and massaging

Why have my feet been swelling lately?

This can be caused by any number of things. Adverse health conditions can directly effect your feet. It is possible that you may need to soak your feet after a strenuous activity, or you may need to elevate your feet during times at rest. It is best to consult your doctor to find the best answer.

What is the best thing to use on spilled motor oil?

Sawdust or sand will help to soak up the spill. The waste can then be bagged and disposed of.

What happens when you soak your lips in Sprite?

If you soak your lips in Sprite they start to sting, but the funny thing is when you soak them a second time they don't sting as much.

How do you get your feet to be soft?

To get soft feet, you can soak them in warm water with Epsom salts or use a foot scrub to exfoliate dead skin. Moisturize your feet daily with a thick foot cream or petroleum jelly, and wear socks to lock in the moisture. Consider getting regular pedicures or using a foot mask for deeper hydration.