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Roe is Eggs. Sturgeon eggs are used for Caviar.

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Q: What is sturgeon roe?
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What edible sturgeon eggs called?


What is the name of the fish famed for roe which is processed into high quality caviar?

The sturgeon, especially the beluga sturgeon.

From which fish do you get caviar?

lumpfish ---- Caviar is the roe of the Sturgeon. Mock caviar is made from the roe of the lumpfish (and from the roe of several other species). Red caviar comes from the Salmon, If you are looking for the answer to the Telegraph GK then it is "sterlet"

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What animal does caviar come from?

Caviar comes from the eggs (roe) of sturgeon fish. Sturgeon fish are native to the Caspian and Black Sea regions, and their eggs are considered a delicacy in fine dining.

Are beluga fish?

Yes, it is a critically endangered sturgeon, heavily fished for it's roe.

What sort of food can be made from a sturgeon?

the roe of thesturgeon is called caviar and is very valuable the main source of roe is the Russian variety the meat is also eatable the sturgeon is a survivor of times long passed the Columbia river and its tributary the Snake river is a good source of sturgeon in the US there are very strict restrictions on their fishing.

Where does beluga caviar come from?

Beluga caviar comes from the roe (eggs) of the female beluga sturgeon.

Fish farmed for its roe to make caviar?

The fish farmed for authentic caviar is Sturgeon. There are also other fish who are farmed for its roe. One example is Salmon.

When do sturgeon reach sexual maturity?

a sturgeon will reach maturity every 20 years and lay unfertilised eggs called roe , that's why caviar is sooo expensive

What kind of fish eggs do you use to make caviar?

caviar is made with the roe or eggs of the paddlefish or the sturgeon.