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Q: What is skins clothing used for?
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What did the Inuit tribe use for clothing?

The Inuits used animal skins for clothing.

What did the Inuits use for clothing?

The Inuits used animal skins for clothing.

What did the cro-magons use for clothing?

They used animal skins.

How were the deer used by the plains Indians?

For food, and the hides. Clothing was made from the skins.

What did Early Christian Ireland people wear?

They hunted animals and used there skins as clothing.

What clothing did hupa tribe wear?

they used grass, tule, bark, and animal skins

How did they make clothing?

they made their clothing out of

Why do the anasazi have better clothing then the other tribes?

they used animal skins so that was more natural.

How do the Cherokee make there clothing?

they make their clothing with animals skins

Do indian's use rabbit skins?

yes, they use rabbit skins as clothing. First they kill it then they skin it and take it to make clothing out of it

What type of clothing did hunter gatherers wear?

Hunter-gatherers typically wore clothing made from animal skins or furs. The type of clothing varied depending on the climate and resources available in their specific environment. They often used bones, shells, and plant materials to decorate and accessorize their clothing.

What did people do when they killed the mammoth?

It was able to provide a lot of food and the skins could be used for clothing and blankets.