Moose Lake is home to the largest Lake Superior agate ever located tipping the scales at one hundred and eight pounds.
I think its the Lake Superior Agate
minnesotas first govener
86,938.87 sq mi
common loon^.^
It has been Minnesota's state rock and state gem since 1969. It contains a rich collection of layered colors and is easy to polish, making the rock very shiny. In its polished condition, it becomes a semiprecious gem. See related links for more information.
Crackled fire agate in French is called "agate de feu craquelée," and crab fire agate in French is called "agate de feu crabe."
The address of the Minnesotas Historic Northwest is: 412 Geary Ave NE, Bagley, MN 56621-8704
It is the Eastern Timber Wolf.
nikalas backstrom
Golden Gophers
A ROCK SHOP that sells minerals and crystals will often have agate in different forms,. One of the best in NYC is called ROCK STAR CRYSTALS in Manhattan. They have more AGATE in a variety of forms than any other store run NYC, including Agate Geodes, Agate Bookends, Agate Slices in various sizes, Agate Pyramids and Spheres, Agate Massage Wands, Agate Jewelry, and even Agate Windchimes. You might also find agate bookends and agate coasters at a home furnishing store, but it's uncommon.