fishing nets are good as long as they are legal
You might want to think that one through. Poaching means illegal hunting or fishing. If it's legal, it's not poaching.And yes, shark fishing is often legal.
Yup', matter of fact, some of your biggest jug line makers are out of the "Longhorn" state ;)... < ' ( (( > <
It depends on where you live but in most places you can.
There is no law in Mississippi prohibiting night fishing.
mabye, would be cool if it was ;)
If it's legal, a spear gun can be used.
I just want to see how it works
Peacock bass fishing is illegal in the area of Florida. They are native to the Amazon River in South America which is where you can catch them at, in Brazil.
Depends on which state you are fishing in and on what body of water. Check with the states DNR or ask a convenience store for a copy of fishing regulations.
if it is the factories property than is is there decision if u can or not
I don't know about hunting in Bhutan but there are many guided fly fishing tours available through the government required guide services that advertise on the net so presumably fishing is legal.