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Q: What is land not suitable for agricultural activity called?
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What is the Land suitable for growing crops called?

Arable land is the term used to describe land that is suitable for growing crops. This type of land is typically fertile and able to support agricultural activities.

What is non agricultural use of land?

Land can be called non agricultural land, if any activity in the nature of development is carried over on the land which makes land unfit for cultivation. Example: Setting up industries, commercial and residential buildings etc.

Which type of land is termed arable?

Arable land is land that is suitable for growing crops. It is typically fertile soil that can be cultivated for agricultural purposes.

What is land that can produce crops is called?

Arable land is land that can produce crops due to its fertile soil and suitable environmental conditions for farming. It is typically used for agricultural purposes to grow food crops and support agriculture.

What is Land that is suitable for farming?

Land that is suitable for farming typically has fertile soil, good drainage, access to water for irrigation, and appropriate topography for cultivation. These areas are often located in regions with a temperate climate and receive adequate sunlight for crop growth. Agricultural land should also be free from contaminants and have a history of successful crop production.

What is the name of the land suitable for cultivation?

Arable land is the term used to describe land that is suitable for cultivation. It typically has good soil quality, adequate water supply, and favorable climate conditions for growing crops.

What is agricultural density?

Agricultural density refers to the ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of arable land in a specific area. It helps to understand the level of agricultural activity and the pressure on land resources in a given region.

What is an agricultural density?

Agricultural density refers to the number of farmers or agricultural workers per unit of arable land in a specific area. It is used to measure the distribution and intensity of agricultural activity in a region.

What are the effects of the effluents and the emission by tarpaulin industry on the agriculture land and crops?

The effect is that the agricultural land may become polluted. This means the land will not be suitable for farming as it will lack the right soil composition.

Where is the best agricultural land in the region?

The best agricultural land in the region is typically found in areas with fertile soil, suitable climate, and access to water sources for irrigation. These areas could be river valleys, coastal plains, or regions with rich soil composition. Conducting soil tests and consulting with local farmers or agricultural experts can help identify the best agricultural land in a specific region.

What is the term of land that is fit for cultivation?

Arable land is the term for land that is suitable for cultivation and farming activities, with fertile soil and adequate water supply. This type of land is ideal for growing crops and sustaining agricultural practices.

What does an eye of good land mean?

"An eye of good land" is a phrase that refers to a piece of land that is fertile, productive, and suitable for cultivation. It typically indicates land that is well-suited for farming or other agricultural purposes.