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•The clownfish and the sea anenome benefit each other. It has been suggested that the activity of the clownfish results in greater water circulation around the sea anemone. In addition to providing food for the clownfish, the sea anemone also provides safety due to its poison. The clownfish is dependent on the sea anemone for its daily bread. After the anemone paralyzes and eats a fish, the clownfish will polish off the remaining uneaten bits and pieces. In return, the clownfish helps to keep the anemone free of dead tentacles by eating these. The clown fish also helps the anemone get food by using its bright coloration to lure unsuspecting fish into the vicinity of the anemone.

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Q: What is an example of mutualism in an estuary?
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What is an example of mutualism in the biome estuary?

An example of mutualism in the estuary biome would be the clownfish and the sea anemone. They benefit from each other, and the activity of the clownfish results in greater water circulation around the sea anemone.

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Some examples of mutualism include the relationship between bees and flowers, where bees pollinate flowers in exchange for nectar. Another example is the relationship between plants and mycorrhizal fungi, where the fungi help the plant absorb nutrients from the soil in exchange for sugars produced by the plant through photosynthesis.

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An example of mutualism for a bighorn sheep is the relationship it has with certain birds, like the yellow-bellied marmot. The marmot acts as a lookout for predators while the bighorn sheep grazes, providing a mutual benefit of protection.

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Mutualism, Commensalism, and Parasitism.

How do you use mutualism in a sentence?

Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship where both organisms involved benefit from each other's presence or actions, such as bees pollinating flowers to get nectar for food while helping the flowers reproduce.

What a example of mutualism?

Mutualism two organisms of different species existing in a relationship in which each individual benefits. An example of mutualism is a pilot fish and a shark. The pilot fish cleans the shark and the pilot fish is protected by the shark.

Is a bird living in a tree an example of mutualism?

No it's an example of treebirdism.

What is example of mutualism?

a baby lol just kiding

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