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Another ice fish.

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Q: What is a predator of a ice fish?
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Are crayfish predator's?

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Is a shark a predator to a clown fish?

yes a shark is a predator to a clown fish.

What is a predator to a Siamese fighting fish?

Any fish-eating fish large enough to eat one is a predator.

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If it eats fish it is a predator.

What is the predator of fire fish?

bigger fish

Are fish predator?

man. birds, and other fish

Are clown fish predator or prey?

Clown fish are a easy predator because they mainly swim out around their eggs.

What kind of fish stalks other fish?

usually if you have a tank with a bigger predator fish and in your tank you had fish smaller than it the predator fish would follow it around sneaking up behind it then lunging for it

What do fish eater called?

Human... Or predator or bigger fish.

What predator eats a fish?

Other fish, birds and bears

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Your Mom because she loves fish