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A hill sprint is when you are chased by famous actor Jonah Hill, up the steep hill Big John in leicetsershire, hill sprints only work on this particular hill.

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How do you run up a hill in cross country?

You run on your toes with your weight forward, go up the hill as fast as you can make yourself go, because hills hurt the same whether you are sprinting or jogging up them, and the faster you go the less time you're on the hill. When going down a hill take long strides and let gravity take you, you can get a good lead on those around you by using hills. It also depends on how steep the hill is, if its not that steep then i wouldn't sprint but if it is steep then sprint it because it doesn't hurt any more then if you jog it. So don't just go out and sprint every little hill you'll get way to tired.

What is the best running workout to train for soccer?

Run around a track or jog up a hill or sprint across a field.

Is sprint an adjective?

Sprint is not an adjective it is a verb Sprint can also be a noun.

What is an example of a hollow sprint?

Hollow sprints include a period of jogging or rests between two sprints, acceleration sprinting starts from a rolling start, [eg; you start of slow and gradually gain speed] moves to jogging and then sprinting at full power. Hill sprinting helps to develop power and acceleration by running uphill [the hill should be slight, not too steep]

what is the sprint?


What does sprint to sprint mean?

Sprint customer (aka you) to another sprint customer (aka your friends or whatever)

What is Sprint the acronym?


Can you use an unlocked phone on sprint pcs cellular?

You cannot put an unlocked device on Sprint. You also cannot unlock a Sprint phone. I use the term "Sprint on Sprint only" meaning Sprint phones for sprint service, and no one else may use Sprint phones. **** Not true. You can unlock sprint phones and use them with other carriers.

How do you get sprint service if you already have a sprint phone?

you call sprint and you make a contract with them

What is sprint phones?

What "are" sprint phones? Sprint is a phone company like T-Mobile or AT&T the phones that they use have the sprint logo on them.

Do you have to have a sprint phone to have sprint service?

Yes, but you can also have a Motorola phone but yes in order to have sprint service you need a sprint phone

DO all sprint stores carry sprint mobile phones?

Sprint stores will almost always be carrying sprint mobile phones. The best way to get an answer on that is to call the Sprint company and talk to them.