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Are you asking about peat?

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Q: What is Irish for turf?
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Related questions

What does Irish fuel mean?

Irish fuel means turf, I'm Irish.

Irish fuel is Irish?

Peat is a fuel used in rural Ireland alot and is more commonly called Turf. It comes from the bogs that are all over Ireland and is burned as a fuel.

What is Ireland's famous fuel?

Peat, from the Irish peat bogs. (Peat is decayed organic material). In Ireland people call it turf.

What do the Irish people use for fuel?

Turf, wood and coal are 3 of the main fuels used in open fires in houses. For other types of fires, like in machinery and industry, oil or gas can be used.

Which is the best turf company?

TEAL TURF i had some turf and it is stunning

Who can make turf grass grow tall?

Yes turf grows, as long as it is natural turf and not artificial turf.

What is a sentence for turf?

To spread with turf

What do most people in Ireland heat their homes with?

Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.

If a turf supplier would install the turf for me?

Most turf suppliers will offer this service - but it is usually at an additional cost. I know that most in the Hawkesbury do such as Buffalo Turf Supplies or Sydney Lawn & Turf.

How do you train to play on turf?

pactice on turf

Artificial Turf?

form_title= Artificial Turf form_header= Less work and more play with an artificial turf. Is the turf for a commercial or residential yard?*= () Yes () No What is the yard size?*= _ [50] What color and length do you want the turf?*= _ [50]

What is turf hockey?

Turf hockey is field hockey.