"The Green Green Grass of Home"
Green Green Grass of Home
Green Grass - song - was created in 1966.
Mike Dirnt's ex-wife Anastasia inspired the song "Pulling Teeth", which is a song that Mike wrote.
in a song
It was Nashville song writer, Curly Putnum in 1964. This country song about a condemned prisoner who longs to escape to the green, green grass of home was inspired by a crime scene in the film The Asphalt Jungle. Nashville songwriter Curly Putnam wrote it in 1964 and it was initially recorded by country singer Johnny Darrell. Tom Jones decided to record this after hearing a version by Jerry Lee Lewis, a legendary Rocker who had started making Country records. A year after Johnny Darrell's original version, Lewis recorded this on his album Country Songs For City Folks
No. 1 Green Green Grass of Home by Tom Jones No. 2 My Minds Eye by the Small Faces No. 3 What Would I Be by Val Doonican
You can find the song "Green Grass and High Tides" available on the YouTube website. Alternatively, you can find this song available for purchase from digital distribution services such as iTunes.
it's about billie joe's dad dying.
river that inspired a song
river that inspired a song
the song was inspired when she had a accident with an ex boyfriend then she was running down the street and then thought of chasing pavements and she went home and the song was born